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PostgreSQL vs SQL Server

Comparing PostgreSQL vs SQL Server: Understanding the Differences

Introduction(PostgreSQL vs SQL Server)

PostgreSQL vs SQL Server: PostgreSQL and SQL Server are two big players when we talk about managing data in databases. They both do many of the same things and are good at it. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how they’re different. We’ll talk about how fast they are, what special things they can do, how much data they can handle, and how much they cost.

Table of Contents

Performance(PostgreSQL vs SQL Server)

Talking about how fast a database works is really important when you’re picking one for your apps.
PostgreSQL and SQL Server are both pretty fast, but they work in different ways and are good at different things.
PostgreSQL is known for being super steady and can handle complicated questions and lots of data without slowing down. It’s also really flexible and has some fancy ways to organize data, like B-tree, Hash, and GiST, which help it find stuff quickly.
SQL Server, made by Microsoft, is made to work well with Windows and other Microsoft stuff. It’s great for doing complicated calculations on data (like OLAP stuff) and for organizing big sets of data.
Let’s imagine a situation to show how they’re different:

					-- PostgreSQL
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department = 'Sales';

-- SQL Server
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department = 'Sales';


Both questions ask the database to find information about employees who work in the ‘Sales’ department.
Even though the way we ask is pretty much the same, the database might do things differently under the hood based on how it’s set up and how it organizes its information.

Features(PostgreSQL vs SQL Server)

Let’s talk about all the cool stuff PostgreSQL and SQL Server can do.
PostgreSQL is open-source, which means lots of people work on it and make it better all the time. It has some really neat features like handling JSON data, making complex queries easier with Common Table Expressions (CTEs), and searching through text quickly.
SQL Server, on the other hand, is packed with tools made especially for big companies. It’s got things like Always on Availability Groups to keep things running smoothly all the time, special ways to organize data for big analysis projects, and tools to help it talk to other databases easily.
Now, let’s see how they handle keeping track of stuff:

					-- PostgreSQL
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - 100 WHERE id = 123;
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + 100 WHERE id = 456;

-- SQL Server
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - 100 WHERE id = 123;
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + 100 WHERE id = 456;


Both PostgreSQL and SQL Server let you do transactions, which means you can group a bunch of things you want to do in the database into one big bundle. This makes sure either everything in the bundle happens or nothing happens. But, the way you write the code for transactions might be a little different between the two databases.

Scalability(PostgreSQL vs SQL Server)

Making sure a database can handle more work and data as an app grows is important.
Both PostgreSQL and SQL Server have ways to do this. You can either make one server stronger (vertical scaling) or spread the data across many servers (horizontal scaling).
PostgreSQL can do horizontal scaling with something called Citus, which splits up the data onto different servers. It also has built-in ways to keep copies of the data in case one server breaks.
SQL Server has tools like database mirroring and Always on Availability Groups to make sure data is safe and spread out for when a lot of people are using the app.

Cost(PostgreSQL vs SQL Server)

Thinking about how much a database costs is a big deal for businesses. PostgreSQL is free because it’s open-source. That means you can use it without paying, and you can use it on any computer system you want. But, you might need to spend money on help and keeping it running smoothly.
SQL Server, made by Microsoft, costs money because it’s a commercial product. You have to pay based on what version you get and how many people or computers are using it. It’s got good support and works well with other Microsoft stuff, but it might be too expensive for smaller businesses

Decision (PostgreSQL vs SQL Server)

In summary, both PostgreSQL and SQL Server are really good choices for databases, but they have different good and not-so-good points. PostgreSQL is great for being fast, having lots of cool features, and not costing much, especially if you’re using open-source or cloud systems.
On the other hand, SQL Server works well with Microsoft stuff and is good for big companies.
Deciding between PostgreSQL and SQL Server depends on things like how fast you need it to be, what special features you need, how big your project might get, and how much money you have to spend.
If you think about all these things carefully and think about what your project needs, you can pick the one that’s best for you.

Migration and Compatibility (PostgreSQL vs SQL Server)

Moving your data from one database to another, like PostgreSQL or SQL Server, is a big deal. If you’re already using one and thinking about switching, your existing staff must work with the new one.
PostgreSQL has tools and guides to help you move your stuff from other databases, including SQL Server. Tools like pgloader and AWS Database Migration Service make it easier to move over things like how the data is organized and the programs you use.
SQL Server has a tool called the SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA), which helps you switch from PostgreSQL to SQL Server. It helps change things like how your data is set up and the special things you can do with it.
Let’s see how you might move a simple table from SQL Server to PostgreSQL:

					-- SQL Server
CREATE TABLE dbo.Employees (
    Name VARCHAR(100),
    Department VARCHAR(50)

-- PostgreSQL equivalent
CREATE TABLE Employees (
    Name VARCHAR(100),
    Department VARCHAR(50)


Even though making a new table looks kind of the same in both databases, there are some things you need to watch out for when moving over, like the types of data they use (like SERIAL in PostgreSQL and IDENTITY in SQL Server) and how they organize their information.

Community and Help (PostgreSQL vs SQL Server)

Keeping data safe is super important, especially if it’s private or needs to follow rules. PostgreSQL and SQL Server both have strong ways to keep data safe.
PostgreSQL has lots of ways to control who can see what, like giving different roles to different people and making sure only the right people can see certain rows. It also makes data safe as it travels between computers.
SQL Server works similarly, with options for different ways to log in, like using a username and password or your Windows account. It also lets you control who can do what in the database, keeps data safe when it’s moving around, and keeps track of who’s been using the database.
Now, let’s look at how they check if someone’s allowed to use the database:

Security (PostgreSQL vs SQL Server)

Keeping data safe is super important, especially if it’s private or needs to follow rules. PostgreSQL and SQL Server both have strong ways to keep data safe.
PostgreSQL has lots of ways to control who can see what, like giving different roles to different people and making sure only the right people can see certain rows. It also makes data safe as it travels between computers.
SQL Server works similarly, with options for different ways to log in, like using a username and password or your Windows account. It also lets you control who can do what in the database, keeps data safe when it’s moving around, and keeps track of who’s been using the database.
Now, let’s look at how they check if someone’s allowed to use the database:

					-- PostgreSQL

-- SQL Server
CREATE LOGIN app_user WITH PASSWORD = 'password';
CREATE USER app_user FOR LOGIN app_user;
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON employees TO app_user;


Both PostgreSQL and SQL Server allow you to create users with specific permissions on database objects. However, the syntax and options for user management may vary between the two databases.

Community Adoption and Trends (PostgreSQL vs SQL Server)

Looking at how many people are using and supporting PostgreSQL and SQL Server can help us understand how popular and how good they might be in the future.
PostgreSQL has been getting more and more popular, especially with people who like open-source stuff and with smaller businesses. People like it because it works well, it’s fast, and it doesn’t cost much. It’s used for lots of different things, from making websites to analyzing data.
SQL Server, backed by Microsoft, is still really popular, especially with big companies that use Windows. It keeps getting better, with new features like working with Linux and containers, to stay up-to-date with what people need.
Recent Trends:
PostgreSQL: More people are interested in it, more people are helping make it better, there are more conferences and groups about it, and big companies like AWS and Google are using it in their cloud services.
SQL Server: Microsoft is putting more effort into making it work well with the cloud (like with Azure), and they’re adding new features to help people make modern apps with it.

Conclusion (PostgreSQL vs SQL Server)

To sum up, both PostgreSQL and SQL Server are really good choices for databases. They both have lots of features, keep data safe, and can handle big projects.
Deciding which one is best for you depends on things like how fast you need it to be, what special things you need it to do, if your old stuff can work with it, how much money you have, and which group of helpers you like better.
Whether you pick PostgreSQL because it’s flexible and doesn’t cost much or SQL Server because it works well with Microsoft stuff, both can help your apps handle data well.
If you think about what you need and read about the differences between them, you can pick the one that fits best with what you want to do.